Saturday, 12 November 2011

Microsoft’s Former Virtualization Director To Launch PaperShare, A ‘Social Content Network’

In about two weeks, we will see the formal launch of PaperShare, a social content and information network for technology professionals, although you can access the site now if you wish (word about the venture actually got out a few months ago).
PaperShare was started by David Greschler (co-founder of Softricity App-V, and until recently, director of virtualization and cloud strategy at Microsoft) and Doug Brown (founder of popular virtualization site DABCC).
The idea behind PaperShare is to promote the sharing of enterprise-focused content, including technical white papers, videos, case studies and whatnot. More than merely a marketing channel, PaperShare wants to be a place where industry professionals can connect through information.
I’m told Citrix, Microsoft and VMware are among the first corporate members to sign up for the PaperShare community.
Already, 26,600 items around the topics of cloud and virtualization have been published and share on the network, which will expand into security, database, finance and healthcare in the near future.

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